Are Louvered Doors Outdated

Published: August 15, 2022

Even if you don't use natural light as an advantage, louvered doors can help reduce your energy costs. They direct incoming sunlight to where it does least damage to your curtains and walls. What's more, by partially opening their shades during the summer, they increase air flow without reducing heat coverage.

They also improve quality of life issues like noise and sleep disruption. At night, closing them off from the rest of the room reduces noise and cools down the space. During the day, they allow fresh air into the room and block out some of the noise traffic outside.

When people are watching television or reading newspapers, they often close their eyes to make sure no children or strangers see what they are reading. With louver shutters, there is no hiding the fact that someone has been in the room.

The Science on Louvered Doors

While many people believe that louvers are an efficient way to use window space, there's actually not much of a performance advantage compared to other windows. In fact, when viewed as a whole, louver vents can be an energy waste if they aren't properly designed.

For one thing, even with enough wind flow to make a difference, louvers still require an additional vent or register to bring fresh air in.

Bringing fresh air into a room requires opening your doors or taking risks like using leaky connectors, which could damage the integrity of the home system. By having both openings, you're always better safe than sorry.

Another concern is that although it may be easier to clean ventilation holes vs. facing them head-on, there's also something called shadow effect. This occurs when particles come out of the vent along its edge where they won't get immediately caught in the airflow, but will later accumulate in a ring close to the surface of the door.

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Cons of Traditional Doors

Not all people are convinced that conventional exterior doors are the way to go anymore. There are several reasons why you might choose another type of door.

Cost is one reason that makes many people hesitate before they consider replacing their current exteriors with new ones. A louvered door may or may not be cost effective, depending on how much you have to spend.

Also, some believe that it's more honest to use modern technology when designing a house than using traditional techniques. You can improve your home's security and climate control by choosing smart windows or better insulation values.

Some also argue that having less natural light flow through your property is worse than having higher energy costs. If you live in a area that tends to run hotter during summers due to cold winters, then you know what I mean.

Another concern is that manufacturers tend to sell hard-close and lockup models that are durable for homeowners who don't care about being nice to their neighbors. Then there's the environmental impact to think about.

Conventional materials like wood and steel produce positive and negative effects. Cutting down trees has an adverse effect on wildlife, while mining metals creates harmful waste products that need to be disposed of.

These are things everyone needs to keep in mind while checking out new designs online.

Pros of Modern Doors

Over the past few years, technology has made it possible to create beautiful wood doors that look great. Not only do these new doors match traditional windows, they are more durable than their older counterparts.

They also tend to be less expensive which is why so many homes have them these days. They are much easier to maintain too.

There are no such things as hollow-core doors anymore making your door very secure. Also, most fire ratings have improved meaning you're protected in case of disaster.

All-wood houses were rare until the 1960s but people really fell for the rustic charm style. Unfortunately, over time this all-important change damaged our historic integrity.

Modern materials like steel and vinyl were put into use to make things cheaper but these materials don't usually bring a high end look along with them. While they allowed us to build larger rooms and lots of space throughout the house, they are usually printed thousands at a time and contain little uniqueness from the one before.

If you want to save money, you can always opt for a wooden door that needs little to no maintenance. It will cost you more upfront, but future repairs will be cheaper.

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Request Quotes for New Doors

Most businesses seek out replacement workers when they need to replace old windows or repairs work of any kind. Older buildings tend to suffer from leaking roofs, broken water pumps, mold damage, and other problems.

It's impossible to predict how much this is going to cost with all of the leaks that appear throughout the year.

These are going to end up costing far more than what you would have spent maintaining an attic fan in your neighborhood, and will only disappoint you in the long run.

Consistently keeping older houses at par with modern standards is not easy. Unless you're willing to spend large amounts of money on renovations, it may be wise to invest in some sort of door system to help keep costs down.

Estate Millwork offers a state of the art door designer that allows you to fully customize your doors and get an instant quote right away.

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Our state of the art designers allow you to design and build completely customized Louvered Doors to fit your exact needs.

Questions or concerns contact us here or via 412.641.0177 .

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